Monday, March 31, 2008

Archive: Trend Spotting

(Originally posted November 2nd, 2007 at

I ran into a former student of mine today who was interested in how I kept up on IT trends and the like. Well, I don’t know, I’m just a geek, the information finds me. But, since I’m going looking for good sources of information for him - places to find out what’s happening in technology and how to perhaps harness these new developments for competitive advantage (of course, I’d argue it’s a temporary advantage at best), I figured it would make a good blog posting. So here I am, posting for the first time in over 6 months.

As for using IT/IS for competitive advantage - well, you’re going to have to figure that out. What new technology makes sense for you or your business is very specific to your situation. But feel free to ask questions. Maybe we can all learn something new together.

If anyone out there even reads this, please add in your favourite sources of information, too.





  • SANS resources online. I’m a geek, so I tend to actually look at the Handler’s Diary. You should also check out their newsletters if you like getting info pushed to you.

Techy stuff

Enterprise stuff

Since so many EIS use dashboards to present information to executives…how about the good and the bad of dashboards?

Of course, some of my best sources are actually friends. Not many of them have tech blogs, though.

With sincere thanks to Michael for helping me fill in this first pass!

I consider this posting a work in progress. I’ll update it (or post follow-ups) as I add to my list.

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